Friday, May 8, 2015

Trip to UNH Art Museum: Andy Upton Photographs

During one of our class periods, our class was instructed to visit the UNH Art Museum to view some of the graduating student's final projects.  While I was there, I noticed many projects that were incredibly visually appealing.  Some of the projects were paintings, some were drawings, some were sculptures, and some were photographs.  For the purpose of this class period, we were specifically asked to reflect on one of the graduating student's final photographic projects.

Andy Upton's work seemed to speak to me the most.  His simplistic compositions were captivating, relaxing, and eerie all at the same time.  He seemed to use natural light as his main light source.  It didn't appear that any artificial light was used.  His images were also taken in fairly low-lit conditions.  Because of the clarity of his work, I'd assume the he utilized some stabilization mechanism to compensate for the light conditions.  With this being said, although I found that his work was very well produced, I felt that with the use of some additional techniques, his work could have been more profound.  If artificial lighting strategies were utilized, I felt that his work could've featured a more abstract and appealing look.  I also felt that his frames could have been more impressive if the compositions of his photographs were more exciting.  Each photograph seemed to include a composition that lacked exciting subject material.  If more exciting compositions were chosen, and artificial lighting was used, I feel that Andy's work may have been more impressive.

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