Monday, March 30, 2015

First Photoshop Adventure

I have very little experience with Adobe Photoshop so this transformation expresses this explicitly.  With that being said, I filled each shape with a new color from the original photo.  I also made the top figure appear to be eating a smaller version of itself.
Here is the original photo.

Abstracting the Egg Contact Sheets

Still Life Contact Sheets

Friday, March 13, 2015

Assignment #1 Part C

 Who am I?
I feel as if this picture depicts me in a nutshell pretty well.

 Child Picture..the only one I could find.
    Character trait: I'm pretty weird

 New places inspire me.
   Photography can tell an entire story.

 If I was not a photographer, I'd love to ski professionally.

I'd just on the trampoline at my family's house if I could first thing in the morning.


 Favorite picture is of the wooden the shot.  Selfies are cliche and life is meant to be enjoyed.

Order Chaos Light Final Shots

Order Chaos Light Contact Sheets

HW #2 Contact Sheet

Experimented with Star Trail Photography last was cold but worth the shot!